dijous, 14 de juliol del 2011

At the restaurant. Group 3.

Group 3: Edurne, Mireia ans Víctor.

At the restaurant. Group 2.

Group 2: Soraya, Franco, Rubén and Mehdi.

At the restaurant. Group 1

This is the first release of our student's oral productions at 2nd course of ESO. I feel very proud they were able to create different situations at a restaurant and I think they enjoyed themselves a lot.
This is video n.1: Group: Ilhame, Júlia, Estefani and Samara.
I hope you like it all!!!

NOTE: In order to post the videos on the blog from a phone recording we had to use YouTube website. This video is posted under strict privacy measures and only INS Collserola students from 2nd ESO course can watch it.